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On 3/8/22 iRacing forced an Auto-Configuration choice for graphics cards, supposedly to help those who wanted different settings for VR and for non-VR.  But for many people it caused problems, and I haven't been able to get mine resolved.  SimX Customer Support has helped, and other suggestions have been offered, but we haven't solved it yet.  I'm wondering if Stage 5 owners specifically have had problems.  The issue is a stretched car on the side panels, when sitting in the car; scenery is fine, so it seems to have something to do with FOV and viewing distance.  Anyone's input welcome.


Maybe answering my own question - but I have resolved the problem satisfactorily.  In iRacing's newest Graphics page where you are supposed to be able to input number of monitors flat or curved, monitor width, bezel size, angle between triple monitors, viewing distance, and FOV - I finally tried inputting zeroes for all the fields (except FOV, which I entered as 180), because I sensed there was something wrong with iRacing's handling of all that information.  The zeroes worked.  When I entered the car I still had to adjust the FOV slightly, but it didn't show the viewing distance as it had previously, and it was much closer to how it looked before the 3/8 update.  The only car that still seems to be "stretched" is the new Mercedes, but others like the Dallara F3 are fine.   Update on 4/30/22:  I spoke too soon and actually misspoke.  With the changes as I made above, cars are driveable, but the graphics are not right, for any of the cars, although it's worse for some than others.  The 2 side screens show the car stretched way back and distorted.  Sitting in the driver's seat it's possible to drive but the graphics are not in proportion the way they should be and used to be, before the March 8 change.   I really need help from somewhere.


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