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Can anyone please share the method to use telemetry from games that are not officially supported by Sim Commander software to actuate the GS-5? I am especially interested in DCS. 

I saw on the previous forum that there was a thread on how to do this and a lot of helpful discussion (I think even with links to a GitHub?); I just got the GS-5 all set up and was hoping to try this out soon. When I saw that people were having success with this it was one of the things that really helped tip me over the decision to purchase. Thanks in advance!  


I'd love to see official support using Sim Commander software for DCS too. 

Me too.

Please, DCS official support !!!



Is there any documentation on how to troubleshoot Space Monkey? I'm getting a "Waiting for Telemetry" status in Space Monkey when I follow the setup/usage instructions for DCS.

Waiting for telemetry with DCS means that UDP isn't reaching SpaceMonkey.

So either an issue with the export.lua or your firewall is blocking UDP on the port that SpaceMonkey uses. Something else could also be using that port.

Check that you have firewall rules setup for SpaceMonkey to allow UDP on that port, you can also try disable your firewall temporarily just to see if that is the cause.

Also in windows network settings make sure you are using the private network, not public.

You can also try change the port in the export lua file and the SpaceMonkey DCSUI. If you change ports, restart both DCS and SpaceMonkey.

Your last resort is to use a tool like WireShark to find out what's stopping the UDP packets getting from DCS to SpaceMonkey.

Usually an Administrator User, running SpaceMonkey as Admin on a private network that accepted the firewall rules on the first run of SpaceMonkey will not have these kind of issues, but you aren't the first to experience this difficulty.

I just tried it locally and something on my system is using 6666 also, maybe this changed in a windows update.

Edit the ExportSM.lua file that is in the savedgames/dcs/scripts folder as described in the readme.

look for 6666

change the 6666 to 6665

the line will now look like

port = port or 6665

Also change the port in the SpaceMonkey DCSUI to 6665.

I will change this port for next release.

Thanks so much Perry for the assistance with my issue. I’ll give this a try over the upcoming weekend & see if this starts pulling the telemetry. 

Again many thanks!!!

Curtis Jackson 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2021, at 7:09 PM, Perry Hart <catchall@simxperience.com> wrote:

I just tried it locally and something on my system is using 6666 also, maybe this changed in a windows update.

Edit the ExportSM.lua file that is in the savedgames/dcs/scripts folder as described in the readme.

look for 6666

change the 6666 to 6665

the line will now look like

port = port or 6665

Also change the port in the SpaceMonkey DCSUI to 6665.

I will change this port for next release.

Sent by SimXperience using Odoo.

Thanks again Perry for all the assistance with this. I couldn't find a ExportSM.lua in the Scripts folder but in the Export.lua I was able to make the change. Updated DCUI & I began receiving telemetry! Weirdly the DCSUI still says 'waiting for Telemetry', but the GS-5 Seat & G-Belt are moving plus numbers within the DCSUI window are updating real time.

Also can telemetry be outputted to two different motion rig software? I'm using a DOF H6 motion platform which the GS-5 Seat sits on & Sim Racing Studio software with that. I noticed the port is different for the SRS Software but for some reason & it could just be a placebo effect, but it feels like the H6 is reacting slower when I run the Simcommander/Space Monkey software for the GS-5/G-Belt. Its just something it felt like I noticed. Can the two software's conflict over telemetry?

Thanks a lot man, you have save me many hours of setup!

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