GS-5 Community Q&A


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GS-5 Noise question

Mark Kovalcson

I recently got a G-Belt and I'm very happy with it, in particular I'm very happy that the sound it makes is not intrusive.

I understand that the G-Belt uses the same actuators in the G-Seat, but that they were tweaked to reduce the noise they make. I'm not sure if that is through SimCommander, firmware in the Accumotion control box, or to the actuators themselves.

My question is whether there is a way that this tweaking can be done to the GS-5 and if that is something that could be done to existing units or if it would need to come out in another release and if so is there another planned release with this tweak made.

2 Answers
Best Answer

For me what I did was the select 99-Disable when the GS-5 is not running, this helped a lot. If you are concerned about the sound DURING your sim session, then I think you may try different profiles but in the dis-benefit of the strength of the panel movements.

Best Answer

The G-Belt does indeed use the same motors, drivetrains and motor control system as the GS-5.

The GS-5 runs a more aggressive motor control mode and it gets back-driven by the body weight of the occupant. Both of these lead to an increased sound level vs the G-Belt. 

We offer a variety of motor control mode settings for both the GS-5 and G-Belt. 

You can change the GS-5 mode to a less aggressive mode by going to the profile settings and selecting a different mode from the dropdown box in the GS-5 output device settings area.

We also have a noise optimized mode in development for that GS-5 for those who might have a small apartment and significant other sleeping in the next room etc... As they say, happy wife, happy life :-)

1 Comment
Mark Kovalcson

I assume that the optimization is finding out how much power or speed you can still deliver while being quiet. Do you have an approximate idea how much of a loss in performance there will be in this new noise optimized mode, or even a ball park if you are still working on that.

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