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WRCG - New Request For Support

Logan Ross

I am a big rally fan and I would like to use Simxperience Haptics to up my game.  I have been checking back for a while and there are no updates.  Can you provide an update on WRCG support?   Thank you.

1 Answer
Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

There is basic support for WRCG in the August Sim Commander update. It is however limited. 

Christopher Palestro

Thank you very much for your efforts so far. The following is my testing feedback based on the latest version of sim commander:


acceleration and braking work fine and I tuned them

Lateral g-forces (cornering) is reversed - meaning the left panel is moving when the right panel should be. This is a known issue which is resolvable by reversing the panel selection which receive the lateral g-force instructions from the simxperience controller.

My left back panel seems dead for cornering (not sure why but might be related to #4 below)

Cornering is a little twitchy. This might be because of the following quote from the other sim racing HW vendor:

"After testing jumps in Estonia or Kenya locations if WRCG.

Once the car is in the air that's 1 g in heave. So we can find out the unit based on the value.

It ended up around 32 units which was derived from heave velocity. That means the velocity unit was foot per second. So you divide that by 3.2 to get meters per second. Then after taking the derivative, you'll get m/s^2 heave acceleration. For a system that uses g unit, you just divide by 9.8.

WRCG telemetry comprises 12 data types to look at, so not so bad.

WRCG made a mistake on their sway acceleration, because they ended up outputting sway jerk instead of sway acceleration, which is one derivative higher.

This sway acceleration during a turn, is normally translated to roll by virtually every motion provider. But swat jerk data can't sustain a roll.

So you have to derive sway acceleration through other available data. We got it working.

For example, consider that you can take the velocity XYZ vector, take the derivative then project to the lateral axis."

I have worked with other hardware providers to work out any issues and I would be happy to work with you guys in any way that is possible. For #4, I assume you know what to do, but I could ask the other hw company I have been working with for the formula they used to derive lateral acceleration. They are pretty open about it because it's not a proprietary tech thing, just a mathematical conversion thing.

Let me know and thanks again.

Matt Alderman

I tested this today. The cornering comments do seem correct.

Even with 400% feedback my g-seat only hits max activation during a change in direction, not sustained g-loads, and otherwise it just has low amplitude noise during a sustained tarmac corner which lends credence to the data being jerk instead of acceleration.

The panels are reversed left and right as well, the force pushes on the "inside" of the corner-- but until the data is integrated up to acceleration and felt continuously I'd be hesitant to say I was 100% sure the axis was backwards.

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