Would love if this title was supported.
It's the final installment of the series and it is pretty good.
Not sure if telemetry is available natively in the sim by now.
If not maybe this telemetry patch can help https://www.racedepartment.com/threads/wrc-telemetry-for-all-motion-systems-and-dashboards.196798/
Edit: Supposedly it does have native telemetry now
Simhub already supports it https://www.simhubdash.com/download-2/
+1 !
If you want support anytime soon I suggest you request it directly via a support ticket. I just got the response that they are looking at it but there is no timeline. That is disappointing because officially licensed racing games should be a priority.
In addition, it is not clear that there isn’t just a simple way to achieve it in the interim, by leveraging their existing DR2 plugin.
In either case, letting them know there is interest is the only way to get attention.
I'm having a good time with the game with the built in FFB and a custom profile in Sim Commander to smooth out the rough edges (Game Force Feedback Smoothing works it's magic just fine). It's no Dirt Rally 2.0, but it's pretty fun without the additional features full Simxperience support would bring. Having thought about a different wheelbase myself, competitors software doesn't seem to do anything more than Sim Commander's does for non-directly supported titles. Their software might just sprinkle in some of the stuff you can already do with Sim Commanders basic support in the background.
I managed to make the game work via simcommander with the DR2 plugin but the ffb is very weak and inconsistent, can you share what you did, it could surely help me, thank you
Sure, I'll try. First, remove the telemetry patch from Race Department, it isn't needed, unless you use something other than simhub.
Once you have that straightened out, go into Sim Commander, go to settings, then games. Add a new game, and select "Unsupported Game" from the plug in list. Name things appropriately and point it at the e executable
Then, set up a new sim profile on the main page and point it at the new game/plug-in you just made. You'll need to add game force feedback, game smoothing, etc from the effects list.
thank you very much for your help !
@Zebulon - are you sure it is working? I ask because I thought on PC, wheel FFB worked out of the box. I have the gseat/gbelt, and despite having tried the same steps you outline below, The gseat/gbelt do to work with WRCG. I have tried both the DR2 and unsupported-game plug-ins, neither with any luck. I am hoping to learn from you what I might be doing wrong :)
My instructions are just to get the wheel working with a bit of filtering from sim commander. Other peripherals that you can't use with simhub will need dedicated support from Simxperience.
I'm using some transducers via Simhub just fine, but I'm not lucky enough to have any real motion hardware to test... yet :)
Hi. Is there an update on this given we are now almost one month since release? Thanks!
I've good and bad news. The good is: The new new SpaceMonkey-version works with WRCG: https://github.com/PHARTGAMES/SpaceMonkey
But now comes the bad: It feels horrible while WRC10 has quite decent motion and I've tried the old WRC-filters as well. Anyway here's a tutorial how to get it to work:
Install SpaceMonkey, go to Program Files (x86)\PHARTGAMES\SpaceMonkeyTP\WRC, install the WRCInjection-Files as described in the txt.
Sim Commander: Setup a new game-tab with Open Game Telemetry UDP default and Game Exe opening: Program Files (x86)\PHARTGAMES\SpaceMonkeyTP\SpaceMonkeyTP.exe
Go to Documents/MyGames/WRCG and change the UDP-port at the end of UserSettings.cfg to 20777.
Launch SpaceMonkey with Sim Commander. Change the Select Config to SRCGenerationsConfig>click on WRC Generations and Initialize!
At least SpaceMonkey delivers the only plugin I get motion out of BeamNG while it still works with SimHub. Just tried the SimXperience plugin again and only get SimHub effects while without it's just FFB only.
Thanks Danyel Grenzer, got my motion seat to work with this!
no news after 3 month, sad...
I am hoping that SimXperience is monitoring this and can provide an update. It is tough to have spent almost $5000 on the gseat and Gbelt, and be unable to use them on the FIA licensed rally game. @simxperience, can you please provide some kind of update? Thank you in advance.
Just reviving this thread..
I know you guys are swamped but I'd be really appreciative if WRC generations was supported.
Thank you.