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3 Replies

I read that Kunos is working with hardware manufacturers now to prep for the Assetto Corsa Evo early access release in January 2025.  Is Simxperience lining up to have Simcommander ready for the release date?



We continue to request access to this game for development purposes. I would suggest that you request that the developers issue us early access as well, otherwise we'll be a few days behind the release for official support.

UPDATE: You can download the latest version of Sim Commander (which includes Assetto Corsa Evo Support) here:  downloads | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies

An in-app update will be available on Monday, but if you don't want to wait, the download is available now. Just install the latest version atop your existing version (with Sim Commander closed of course).


Did you guys get a copy to work on? I tried using the AC and ACC plugins ... no dice.


Thanks for the quick work guys!

Did you read Bernard's Update? He said there is a link to an updated version of sim commander. I haven't downloaded it yet, as I'm just following this thread before even buying AC evo in early access!

Thank you, Bernard! 


any way to get EVO working with sim commander currently? im getting the game force feedback but no telemetry at all for other effects in sc4


no luck at the moment, pretty disappointed, FFB feels a little bit sketchy

I was looking here for answers. No luck yet.

Same. Anyone, please give this a thread a ping if there's some news to share. The way we are expected to communicate and the delay between needed support is very unpleasant.

Hey Chris,
There is a link in Bernard's post to an updated sim commander with AC evo support.

Thank you kindly

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