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5 Replies

Any word on support for Forza Horizon 5?


Do you have any news, dear developer?


I have GS-5 and G-belt sitting on top of D-box platform. A very pleasing combination.

I can get all three working in all games that I play.

Forza Horizon 5 requires a fiddly workaround that must be applied each time the title is launched. Not the worst thing ever. I'm very glad to have it working.

However, I believe the setup could be perfectly smooth, and allow the advantages built into the SC4 launch options.

I believer what would be needed would be to direct SC4 to listen on a different port than 10001.

For this title, D-box listens on 32000. As far as I can tell, I can't change that. (Lack of customization has always been an important drawback of D-box's closed system IMO.)

But If I could direct SC4 to listen on 32000, I think that would settle things.


We have reached out to our contacts on the Forza Horizon 5 team for the purpose of verifying AccuForce compatibility as well as the data out compatibility which will impact the entire Sim Commander ecosystem.

This title is not due for public release until November 9, 2021. I'll provide additional updates here when we get closer to release and have more info.

 EDIT: Forza Horizon 5 now supported. As of 11/6/2/2021, the Microsoft Store version is auto-detected by Sim Commander. The Steam version won't be released until 11/9/2021. We'll provide an update to support the Steam version once it is released. 

NOTE: You need to enable data output in Forza. Instructions here: Game Specific Configuration | SimXperience® Full Motion Racing Simulator Technologies


Any update regarding motion support as well? Thanks!

Hi Berney,

I just got confirmation that FH5 will have UDP telemetry data out like in FH4.

I hope we get a SC4 update after the official releasedate soon


Does that mean motion will be supported?

Sorry Bernie, but just to clarify, does that mean that it will have full motion support as well?

Yes. FH5 is functional in Sim Commander in terms of motion, SimVibe, G-Seat, G-Belt and AccuForce functionality.

Simcommander recognized the game but the game it self did not recognize the wheel, even though i turned the data output on

Is there any guidance in how to connect iy properly with a decent feedback settings.

I'm having the same issue

Jason Hawke

From: Sajjad <catchall@simxperience.com>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 12:17:02 AM
To: Jason Hawke <jasonhawke@outlook.co.nz>
Subject: Re: Will Forza Horizon 5 be supported?

Simcommander recognized the game but the game it self did not recognize the wheel, even though i turned the data output on

Is there any guidance in how to connect iy properly with a decent feedback settings.

Sent by SimXperience using Odoo.


In FH5, go to settings>controls>wheel. Under "Custom Profile 1", save your steering axis, brakes, h-shifter or sequential shifter, clutch, handbrake, etc. You must also save a few things for activating ANNA etc. Then, go to advanced control, set vibration on, set deadzones to 0/100 for steering, throttle, brakes, etc. Set deadzone for e-brake at about 20/100. Leave game defaults for force feedback scale, etc. Under HUD and GAMEPLAY, set DATA OUT to ON. Set Data OUT IP to Set Data OUT port to 10001. Exit game. Now, go to SC4: Launch game using SC4. Within SC4, my settings are Game Force Feedback OFF (Red circle around toggle switch), Game Force Feedback Smoothing OFF, Damping, Friction and Inertia at 1.18. Stationary Oscillation Control 100, Oscillation Control 100, Engine RPM 12.62, Steering Force Feedback Foundation 100, and Road Bumps 5. Under Device settings, I normally use about 650 degrees rotation but occasionally swap up to 900 degrees or down to 300 degrees for things like drifting. Set your intensity at whatever feels best. For me it is at about 60. If you have additional, non SC4, motion peripherals, then you can use SC4 to forward to a different Port operating those peripheral(s).

Thank you for the FH5 plugin Mr. B.




Did you get any more info from your contacts on the Forza Horizon 5 Team regarding the AccuForce support and data out compatibility in the last couple of months

It will only buy the game if my hardware is supported. 


They've been silent. Today I resent my request from some months ago. I would hold off on a purchase until we can confirm compatibility given their history of botching even the basic standard of Windows input devices.


I already purchased it on steam so I'll be testing it regardless.


Either way, the update is much appreciated.


I note that only thrustmaster, logitech and fanatec wheels are currently officially supported on FH5.  Any updates to share with us regarding the Accuforce wheel?


Any update on this or if motion will be supported as well?

I was able to assign my Accuforce V2 in game - Don't forget to select the option to invert force feedback! Seems to work good but looking forward to full Sim Commander support!

I have to admit I tried both manual config and auto config and I couldn't get them to work.


All you need to do is get updated to the latest Sim Commander, then press the auto-detect button on the Sim Commander main screen. In the game you will need to set these settings: https://www.simxperience.com/slides/slide/game-specific-configuration-91

I can't get auto or manual to work either for the Steam version. It simply won't detect the game with auto and when I try to use the manual Forza 5 or Forza 4 profiles, it doesn't work in game. I did set the correct data and port information in Forza per the instructions itself but motion is not working. How do we get the Steam version to work?

FYI the last simcommander update fixed the issues. There apparently was a problem with having the game loaded on a separate drive which was causing it not to be located. Thanks for updating Berney!

Manual Configuration: When manually configuring settings, ensure that you're inputting the correct values for things like graphics settings, controls, and network settings. Double-check that your settings match the requirements of your system and any recommendations provided by the game developer.

Auto Configuration: If you're using auto-config options, make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements for the game. Auto-config may adjust settings based on your hardware, but it's not always perfect. You may need to tweak settings manually afterward for optimal performance. Check reference link https://hdpcgames.com/forza-horizon-2-pc-download/

Graphics Drivers: Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date. Outdated or incompatible drivers can cause issues with game performance and configuration. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) to download and install the latest drivers for your GPU.

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