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I'm confused about the effect level intensity slider in Sim Commander, especially the fact that it goes to 400%.


There are multiple ways to tune in Sim Commander. The primary two are cloud tuning and manual tuning. Cloud tuning is a tune-by-telemetry concept whereas manual tuning is a tune-by-feel concept.

Cloud tuning automatically scales the effect to a particular car/track. The intensity slider just defines how intense you want the effect to feel. It's more of a personal preference slider. For most devices this is also the amount of actuator travel but not all devices are motors or actuators. SimVibe is a good example of this. 

For example, if you expand the braking effect, you will see a maximum G-Force value. This value establishes the maximum braking G-Force the simulated vehicle is expected to create.

In this image we can see that the G-Seat panels will extend 80% when the vehicle is braking at 2.5G. Cloud tuning would fill in the 2.5G value to be accurate for whatever car you are driving. The intensity slider is meant to be tweaked by you if you want to feel a little more or a little less braking.

n a manual tuning scenario, cloud tuning is NOT setting the internal G-Force value of the effect. It is defaulted to 6G, a value that is large enough to encapsulate even the most extreme vehicles. Here is an example of this:.

Not every user knows what a G-Force is. Further, some effects need the user to define things like the roll acceleration of the vehicle in degrees per second squared, etc. This is beyond many users. IN the manual tuning scenario, users won't always know what to enter. As a result, we allow a wide range of intensity slider adjustment. 

Lets say that a user is not using cloud tuning and is in a car that is only capable of 3G of braking. Lets also say that the user has no idea what G-Force the vehicle is capable of and doesn't even bother to open the detailed effect settings to see the G-Force slider.  The only thing the user can do is tune-by-feel. If the intensity slider only went to 100% then the G-Seat panel in our example above would only move 50% when he was at full braking. 

However, Sim Commander enables the user to move the slider up further until it feels right. At a setting of 200% intensity, the user would be getting 100% panel travel at 3G of braking.

By allowing intensity sliders of more than 100%, we allow novice users the flexibility needed to tune by feel.

Of course we highly suggest that users partake of the cloud tuning feature which does all this work for you.


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