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Some very good FH5 news

Robert Peck

     Microsoft has done the unimaginable! They have released a preview version of the PC Xbox app that allows you to completely customize the install location and removes the restrictions to edit files for customization. This is game changing for a couple reasons. First, we can add a custom wheel to the game for the AF2 and have the game recognize it, second we can specify the parameters of the AF2 so that the FFB works as expected between FH5 and the AF2. 

     I am not certain this will get us any closer to a framerate issue fix, but what it will do, is allow us to use Forzaemuwheel in the meantime, but with the correct AF2 parameters being passed on to the vjoy wrapper, so it should actually feel right! 

Below is a link to the instructions to use the new Xbox app, I already tried it and moved the game, I've uploaded the 2 directories of note and will link them below as well. Now, about the only thing I need is some assistance from Bernard, or another AF2 insider, who can provide the best guess settings for the AF2 FFB model within the parameters provided on the .xml of the game. If someone can give me that info, I'll put the files together with the vjoy VID/PID and create a wheel model etc. and share the info.

the folder "wheeltunablesettingspc" is the primary folder of interest at this point, if anyone can give a gander at the options, and either make a file, or give me the parameters, i'll make the file. I've tested tis all already, it works. A few more things you have to do to make the game pick up  the files, but it's all doable. 

Robert Peck

So, I've configured things to the point that the game picks up the vjoy ffb driver as a default wheel, no need for a custom profile. It works with game or sim commander FFB and feels very good with the Sim Commander FFB, better than FH4 was IMO. It still feels very vague and sloppy with unedited game FFB under the vjoy driver. I think the key parameters in the wheel tuneables files should be the fix for this, as it changes based on which default profile I edit. In all scenarios the framerate is full, GPU usage between 96-99.

Henk Schoone

Awesome work there Robert. Looking forward to seeing more about your solution. I have been using vjoy now currently with full GPU load and the FFB is good but vague around the center especially at higher speeds.

Sorry can't help you since all the stuff you posted is wizardry to me :)

I will follow this thread closely.

Brent Osterstock

The November 17th patch finally rectified my controller issues with the Accuforce Pro V2, Fanatec CSPs v3, Fanatec Handbrake, Thrustmaster TH8a, and my NLR Motion Platform. I no longer get the "Controller Disconnected. Please Reconnect" error and I get full force feedback and motion thru all of my peripherals. So, I am hopeful that you no longer need to use the Emuwheel program at all.

Robert Peck

Fwy, I never had an issue, even in pre-release with the disconnect issue. My only issue has been and still is the "framerate cap" for lack of a better term. The emuwheel solution somehow completely eliminates this issue. Depending on the setup you have and the capabilities of your system, you may or may not even notice or experience that issue. If you play on a 60hz display, or your setup doesn't perform much above 60fps, this issue probably won't effect you, or you can't really tell that it is effecting you.

Not using emuwheel in my case shows a 400 percent lower CPU benchmark in the game benchmark, something interfacing between the game, AF2 FFB and PCI buss doesn't get along very well right now. My GPU ends up getting capped at between 50-60 percent usage.

This might not seem like a huge issue to some, but one of the clear advantages of a computer for gaming over a current console is the ability to have much more responsive inputs and a more fluid gameplay when exceeding 60fps, especially if your whole system supports something like Gsync. My display supports up too 144hz and be it a good or bad thing, it performs best at 120-144hz. Anything running at 60Hz is particularly awful on my display, it's not as bad with Vsync, but the input delay is noticable and in the 70+Ms range with that setup.

So, long story short, if the game feels "normal" to you from a display performance perspective, it's probably not worth the effort to mess with anything, at least until hopefully AF2 and Turn 10 can sort out a fix or compromise. Unfortunately for me and I imagine some others, this particular issue makes the input lag and display lag/performance pretty much unbearable and unplayable.

My intention is to modify the few files needed to come as close to pure AF2 FFB performance while eliminating the perceived bottleneck created by the current incompatibility between the AF2 and all Forza titles. Somehow using the vjoy/emuwheel wrapper completely fixes the bottleneck, now I'm just trying to completely eliminate the negatives in FFB feel that this compromise induces. I can happily say I am 100% there when using SC4 sim commander feedback, but not yet there with the pure game FFB.

Brent Osterstock

I totally get your point Robert on the input lag. I have simply "adapted" to it. But, I would love to see you succeed in getting around it. Having the framerate capped near 60 isn't so bad given the 3440x1440 resolution and gorgeous graphics. However, I totally agree in so far as eliminating the input lag would definitely improve things.

Henk Schoone

Did you make any progress on this Robert ?

Robert Peck

Henk, I have not made any progress that would be easy to explain or setup. It's a lot of registry changes and edit's of the input and wheel .zip's in the FH5 install directory. Like I mentionedin a previous post, that I may just purchase a different DD wheel, well I bought a different DD wheel. Time is money and at some point it's cheaper to go another route, rather then spend days and days trying to figure out something that is not exactly my cup of tea. So, right now my AF2 is not hooked up. I will say for the AF2, the easiest solution is vJoy, emu-wheel, but then edit the two default RawInputconfig .xml's in the zipped "wheelsXXXXpc" folder. copy the attributes below Dyn FFB and paste them into the files default and 000000000.xml FFB. Get the source to paste from one of the many other wheels in that same directory. I believe 0006 is the DD1 Fanatec and I thought that matches the closest probably and it felt good.

So, for best feel from emu wheel, do everything you normally do to get it working, then copy the build in parameters from the DD! (or try other wheels) into the 2 generic FFB files,zip package back up with original name and it feels good, framerate issue is good as well. Take it a step futher and search the registry for "1234BEAD00" That sould only have a few Emu wheel keys that come up, change the two that say max rotation 450 to 900 (assuming you have your wheel setup for 900, as recommended on PC by Forza.

If I revisit this at any point, or I can find a way to simplify things at all, I'll holler. If you have specific questions, fire away. If you want to go balls out, copy the generic FFB HEX parameters from the AF2 wheel, under joystick/OEMData to the same registry locations in the Vjoy wheel. I am not sure how many of these thinsg make how much of a difference, I did a lot at once, but the end result was very good.

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