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2 Replies

We performed a necessary performance update to our website and database which did not have any forecasted downtime.

Due to unforeseen issues caused by our vendor, we experienced an unexpected service disruption. We had not anticipated any downtime and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are working closely with the vendor to ensure this does not happen again.

Please visit www.SimXperience.com/Downloads and download version After installing this update you will be able to login to the application and run like normal.

All of your settings, configurations, profiles etc will be preserved with this update, after this update nothing will change from how it was before.


SimXperience Support


You say to download version but when you go to that link or directly to the download page in the site you can only download the newest version and there is no place to find version to download. If you're suggesting that you should make sure that it's accessible to people to do the download like you're suggesting.

Somehow my account is still impacted by this. The 4.5 upgrade installed but my login fails and says there is no active license tied to my account.


Mark, not having a license associated with your account might be something different. Please email CustomerSupport@SimXperience.com for more personalized assistance.

Hi simxperience-team,

after the installation of the new version nothing is running, all is gone. Is this the final version - hope not.

Could you give me a short info wheter and when all will be normal?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards



All is normal.

The .78 download is fully functional. It's the same as .77 which many thousands have been running for months without issue. Only change is to the login server. It now has dual login server capability. If you are having some issues, please reach out to CustomerSupport@SimXperience.com for assistance.

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