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Open Game Telemetry - Broke?

Perry Hart

Hey guys,

Site looks nice.

I have outputting RPM, gears, and all the suspension parts now so that I can use SimVibe Chassis.

I can make a Dirt Rally 2 profile work with an imposter exe and SpaceMonkey, but I can't make a copy of a Dirt Rally 2 profile work with the game plugin changed to Open Game Telemetry (UDP) work with SpaceMonkey..

Seems like when I installed SimCommander again I lost all my profiles, maybe because i'm not logged in?

Anyway.. i'm wondering if it's known broken in latest??

I'm not totally blocked, and I haven't tried to create a profile from scratch yet but I will soon.

BTW SimVibe chassis in DR2 is amazing, nice work.


1 Answer
Best Answer

Hi Perry.

To the best of my knowledge, nothing was changed in this regard. The Open Game API should stay the same and backward compatible always. We never want to negate the efforts that other developers have put in.


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