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Hello all,

I hope you are well.  I was wondering if anyone else is having issues with Microsoft Flight Simulator (Steam version).  SimCommander detects the game but my G-Belt does not have any motion.  If it helps, I noticed the SimConnect.xml is not being updated by SimCommander.  I tried a fresh install of Windows, removing the game entry and readding, and reinstalling the game without luck.  Any help is appreciated!



It's been a month or so since I played it, but I had no issues. Sim Commander doesn't modify the SimConnect.xml file. It doesn't need to.

You'll need to check your profile to make sure the acceleration and braking effects (longitudinal G) are in it and then expand them and scale them to the maximum you expect to experience in that aircraft.

If you need further guidance, I suggest opening a support ticket here: https://www.simxperience.com/helpdesk/


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