Welcome to our new question & answer style forum. We hope this new format will help you to rapidly find answers to common usage and configuration questions. 

Please ask well formed questions and up vote answers that you find helpful. This forum is NOT for  bug submissions or instances where customer support is required.  Non-conforming posts will be rejected to preserve the integrity of this resource for future users.

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Is previous forum content migrating to the new system? 

Or am I just too early at this stage?


If migration is not possible, a static snapshot would suffice.

Much of the old website was in discussion form. The new forum is in question and answer form where a user asks a question, answers are given, best answer gets voted up to the top, etc.. 

The idea is to build a useful resource for the community to easily find the answers they seek. 

Most of the old content is not conducive to this approach. 

It also seems that we will need to retrain users since many seem to want to post their comment as a question answer, killing the idea of building a helpful resource.


Understood! Thanks for sharing the direction and approach moving forward.

There were some really helpful posts that I had bookmarked and had hoped to go back to soon. For example, the info you provided that sparked a discussion on how users could use game data from not officially supported titles to still take advantage of their G-Seat functionality. That is one specific topic that comes to mind that I would really like to see the content preserved somehow because I bought the GS-5 looking forward to being able to do that. Thank you!

Your Answer

Please try to give a substantial answer. If you wanted to comment on the question or answer, just use the commenting tool. Please remember that you can always revise your answers - no need to answer the same question twice. Also, please don't forget to vote - it really helps to select the best questions and answers!