General Community Q&A

Welcome to our new question & answer style forum. We hope this new format will help you to rapidly find answers to common usage and configuration questions. 

Please ask well formed questions and up vote answers that you find helpful. This forum is NOT for  bug submissions or instances where customer support is required.  Non-conforming posts will be rejected to preserve the integrity of this resource for future users.

La licencia ha sido excedida


The question has been closed for reason: Requires Support - Please open ticket at:

Bernard Villers Jr
on 08/21/2021 11:04:01

Buenos dias. tengo un problema con la licencia a la hora de configurar el Sim Commander 4. Coloco la clave del producto AccuForce V2 y cuando quiero instalar la licencia me dice que la misma ha sido excedida. Quería saber si hay una solución a este problema. Muchas gracias 
