I want to change the sound card designations that I initially installed on my first attempt at setup. I am assuming I have to rerun the "Wizard" but how do I get to that screen? I can't find an option on the Simcommander profiles screen, or within any of the game option screens. Sorry, I'm a really old Newb!
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You don't have to fully reset everything in Sim Commander by re-running the Wizard just to change your SimVibe sound card.
You can change the sound card by:
-Click settings button on the main screen
-Expand the 'Sim Device Manager' section
-Select your SimVibe device
-Select your preferred sound card
-Test the result by clicking the speaker icon
If you really do want to re-run the initial setup wizard, you can expand the 'Advanced' section instead of the Sim Device Manager, and click the 'Reset To Default Settings' button: