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Forza Motorsport Game Pass

Susoparek Estudillo

Buenas, tengo entendido que Sim Commander 4 con Forza Motorsport en versión Steam, funciona, mi pregunta es, ¿como configurar con la versión Game Pass?, me reconoce el plugin pero es imposible acceder al exe. Agradecería, si es posible, ¿como debería ser la configuración? ¿solo funciona con la versión de Steam? Gracias de antemano y saludos.

1 Comment
Shinji Hata


My game path version was installed in the \Program Files\ WindowsApps folder.

The "Game does not exist" error seems to be caused because I did not have access to the WindowsApps folder.

After changing the owner of the WindowsApps folder to Administorators, I was able to access the game.

2 Answers
Micah Nowack
Best Answer

Hi all,

has anyone else been able to get the game pass version of this to work? I followed the instructions above and it no longer throws an error saying "the game doesn't exist" now it says "game running" but never launches Forza.

I tried starting forza manually and then attaching the profile to the game and it doesn't work, it just says "game running" but doesn't change any of the feedback settings in game.

Any advice on this from Simxperience or someone else? Really frustrating!

Micah Nowack

I can't delete my post, but right after posting this and fussing for awhile I finally got it to work. Had to check that it does run on the local PC and point it to the correct directory under 'xboxapps'. Success!

zak kanter

Hey Micah, any chance you can elaborate on what you did? I think I have all of the settings set up as showin the screen shot but still nothing seems to be picking up my wheel?

Micah Nowack

HI Zak,

Under settings > Games > Forza Motorsport 8

Name: Forza Motorsport 8

Game Plugin: Forza Motorsport 8 Game Plugin

Game exe: C:\XboxGames\Forza Motorsport\Content\forza_gaming.desktop.x64_release_final.exe

Check "Game runs on local pc"

Under Advanced

Wait on: forza_gaming.desktop.x64_release_final.exe

Check "Ignore validation rules and warnings"

I'm trying to upload a screenshot if I can figure out how.

zak kanter

Thanks Micah, that was easy to follow and i updated. I can get the game to launch and everything but it locks my wheel. Which I can only assume makes its not working?

Carlos Vasconcelos
Best Answer

Settings » Games » Forza Motorsport 8 (Game Plugin)
»»»»»»Manually type the filename



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