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2 Replies

Am I safe pre-purchasing Forza Horizon 5 from the Microsoft Store?  Moreover, will SimXperience be working on Sim Commander compatibility for both the Steam Version and the Microsoft Store version or just one version?  If so, which is the safer purchase to allow for future Accuforce/SimXperience compatibility?

Note: I hope to test the game on 11/5 (four days prior to the normal release on 11/9).


Forza Horizon 5 constantly crashes for me on steam. Can't get past the first race. I actually purchased Forza Horizon 4 in the Microsoft Store and has worked perfectly. So I guess I need to purchase Forza 5 in the MS store since Steam still isn't working for me after 6 months....


Things like the XBOX OPI promo only work with the Microsoft Store version at present so I would advise against the Steam version.  Note:  They are working on a fix for steam users but those always seem to follow way behind the Microsoft store version.


I would definitely go for the Steam version.  


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