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F1 22 Support

EDIT: Official support for F1 22 has been released on our downloads page and via the in-app update mechanism of Sim Commander. Currently, only the Steam version of F1 22 is auto-detected and configured.

The F1 2022 game is expected to drop soon. SimXperience will release official support for this game no later than Friday July 1st, 2022.

For those that cannot wait, we've tested that F1 2022 will work with our F1 2021 plugin by setting the in-game telemetry format to the 2020 version as shown in the attached screenshot.

You can find these in Game options-->Settings-->Telemetry Settings

In the Sim Commander you'll need to duplicate your F1 2021 game record and profile. In the game record, don't forget to set your Wait On exe to F1_22.exe so the Sim Commander knows the game is running and set the steam app launch id to 1692250 so we start the correct version of the F1 game. Finally, don't forget to map this new F1 22 game record in your newly created F1 22 profile. 

NOTE: These observations were made using a pre-release version of F1 22 and may or may not be fully applicable to the released version.

If this sounds like a foreign language to you, please hang in there until Friday when we release official support for F1 22.

Raed Amine

Hello , sim chassis only works in. On vr mode ,it does not work in vrode pls help


Is there any way to get it set up with the EA version of F1 22?

Susoparek Estudillo

Hola rpstar, conseguiste configurarlo para origins?

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