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I have GS-5 and G-belt sitting on top of D-box platform. A very pleasing combination.

I can get all three working in most games that I play.

Forza Horizon 5 requires a fiddly workaround that must be applied each time the title is launched. Not the worst thing ever. I'm very glad to have it working.

However, I believe the setup could be perfectly smooth, and allow the advantages built into the SC4 launch options.

I believe what would be needed would be to direct SC4 to listen on a different port than 10001.

For this title, D-box listens on 32000. As far as I can tell, I can't change that. (Lack of customization has always been an important drawback of D-box's closed system IMO.)

But If I could direct SC4 to listen on 32000, I think that would settle things.



(BTW, I see that I can input SC4 to forward the UDP, which would seem like an obvious solution. But forwarding it to 32000, which is where D-box is listening, doesn't work as simply as expected. That's why I'm wondering if I can ask SC4 to listen on the same port as d-box instead)

Currently Sim Commander expects to receive data on port 10001 for all games. We use this port because nothing else does and having a fixed port is one less point of confusion for customers trying to get this running. Currently, this is not editable.

I think you would need to have Sim Commander forward to port 32000 as you suggested, AND edit the setting in Forza to output to 10001.

This should make it such that Forza outputs on 10001, Sim Commander reads in on 10001 and then forwards what it reads to 32000.




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