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AUTOMOBILISTA 2 no longer works in Full Screen with Sim Commander

Giuseppe Colamarco

The question has been closed for reason: Requires Support - Please open ticket at:

Bernard Villers Jr
on 02/08/2022 21:39:17

hi folks

After the last update of Automobilista 2,  a small problem has arisen when I start the game with SC, it no longer starts in Full Screen but only in the window, with its dramatic loss of frame.
I tried to change the startup parameters from SC " AMS2.exe "
it starts in Full Screen, but then in the interface of SC forces me to FIX to correct!!!
 .... I made many attempts turning around the launch modes from SC but the outcome is always the same.

can someone help me?
many thanks

ps: Before the 'update run correct in full screen
