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Assetto Corsa with content manager FFB issues


Recently wanted to do some drifting on AC with content manager and found a few problems I cant figure out.

Sim commander doesn't recognize my AC (steam version) but opening the app through content manager gives me a forever "waiting for game to start". I even went to the root file of my app and made sure it matched in sim commander. 

I gave up using sim commander and tried to use the content manager FFB settings and found these give me almost ususable FFB. I tried driving a normal car at a normal track and found there feels like a delay and huge disconnect from AC😔

Anyone have any ideas or things I should try? 

2 Answers
Justin Reynolds
Best Answer

I used Assetto Corsa as the Game Plugin, then C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\Content Manager.exe in the Game Exe section. Path will be different if your Content Manager isnt on your desktop. In the "Advanced" section underneath I have it set to "Wait On" Content Manager.exe. Hope this helps, happy drifting!

Bernard Villers Jr
Best Answer

If Sim Commander isn't detecting your regular steam install of Assetto Corsa, then something unusual is happening that needs to be corrected before further testing/evaluation. I would suggest opening a support ticket.


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