G-Belt Community Q&A


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Lot of problems after update

Patrick Loughry

The question has been closed for reason: Requires Support - Please open ticket at: https://www.SimXperience.com/helpdesk

Bernard Villers Jr
on 11/20/2023 10:37:04


I've been using a g-belt for over a year and have not had issues after getting it setup until recently.  However, I installed an update to Simexperience and changed the USB port it was plugged into at the same time.  I' not sure which led to issues and now know I should not have done two things at once.  

Windows 10

Sim Commander 4.5

Problem:  Constant Microsoft VisualBasic Core error messages of "One or more errors attempting to communicate with AccuMotion Controller Interface."  

Can't close Sim Commander without shutting down computer.  Task Manager can't end process.

First time I ran into problems was right after the Sim Commander update to 4.5 while in iRacing and the g-belt was not working.  I race with headphones on and did not hear anything.  Took the headphones off after the session and herd one of the motors running nonstop.  At least I think that is what I was hearing.  I had to cut power to turn it off as SC was non-responsive.  

Now I can only get it to work when I restart the PC with the power to the controller off and turn on the controller after the PC has freshly started.  I can launch a profile and have it work, however, I can't edit anything or close SC when I'm done.  

If I try to change anything or close it, I get about four or five of the Microsoft VisualBasic Core error messages of "One or more errors attempting to communicate with AccuMotion Controller Interface."  

Not sure if I need to delete SC and do a fresh install, try to figure out what USB port it was plugged into before, or if something more major went wrong.  

Any advice?
