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I'm using the GS-5/G-Belt for DCS and would like a couple of pointers.

1) Is there a way to tune the maximum vertical G response differently for positive and negative G?

I might hit +9.3 G for positive G when pulling up, however typically when pushing down the negative G will reach a maximum of -3 G.  I'm looking for the best settings to ensure that the G-Belt tightens fully at -3G vertically, and loosens fully at +9.3 G whilst sitting in its middle position at 0 G.

A sub-question is how to get it to reliably tighten when rolling inverted for a period of time, but one assumes this should be taken care of by the above (flying level and inverted producing -1 G).

2) The GS-5 has a power saving timeout that I have increased to 30000 ms. This means the GS-5 can sustain its forces for 30 seconds which is sometimes necessary in long turns such as in dogfighting. It's otherwise quite jarring to be in a hard prolonged turn and suddenly have the seat relax. Is there an analogous setting for the G-Belt?  I often find it relaxing when it should be sustaining its forces, but I can't find a way to adjust that.



for me i had to play with the filtering to get prolonged effect. unfortunately putting on the filter also means that the reaction time seem to be slower too. however i played with it a bit and found a happy balance point.

I also had to place a filter limiter effect to limit the pull stroke down to 70%. otherwise in long pulls the system would relax, then jerk back. I think the system under long pulls gets messed up with its position sensor resulting in this weird jerking motion without some type or filter effect added.

i'm now trying to get "conditional effects" working however nothing shows up when i add that filter. if i can get conditional effects working we can then add "acceleration" under ground only which give them pull on take off. Adding it worked well on the ground and i felt the G's as i accelerated down the runway. however once i pulled up the two different effects "vertical G" and "acceleration" then interfered with each other. adding the conditional effect would make that golden if i can get that figure out?????

Both of these are great ideas and have been added to the development work list.


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