AccuForce V2 Community Q&A


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All FFB stopped working with Accuforce Wheel

Dan Jacobs

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Bernard Villers Jr
on 01/15/2022 20:03:39

I recently returned from overseas and got back into Sim Racing.  I still had my accuforce set up, so i jumped back in.  I had to update all kinds of windows items and new graphics drivers etc... but i was playing ACC and AC fine and it worked with my profiles I had set up a few years ago, no issues.  I then installed a few new games, and to get them into the SimCommander view, i did Auto-discover in SC4, and it added all kinds of games and multiple profiles for ones i already had.  Now when i go back to my profiles and start the game from SC, there is no feedback at all.  I have tried AC, ACC, Automobilista 2 and Iracing, all of them are dead.  Has anyone encountered this before and know what I may have missed in the setup, or is it a conflict with multiple profiles?  really irritated right now.
